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Harmony Around a Red Star (Prologue) - The Hidden Lair

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view post Posted on 2/7/2012, 11:40

Harmony Around a Red Star (Prologue)
The Hidden Lair


It was while reading an article on the star Gliese 581 (a red dwarf star) and the possibility of a habitable planet in its planetary system as the idea came to me. (but the game does not go around Gliese 581, it is another red dwarf ... very very far from Earth :-)) Being smaller and colder than our sun, the planet must be relatively close to its star to take advantage of our Earth even conditions. So ...
Harmony planet turns around a red sun.
Apart from its proximity to its star, the planet always present the same face to its sun (much like our Moon with the Earth). Therefore, part of the planet is constantly under fire from its star, while the other is immersed in an icy and sterile night. The planet is slightly larger than Earth and has two natural satellites or moons. The red sun is much smaller than our sun (3 times smaller) but it appears much larger in the sky due to the proximity of the planet. On Mieyhun, the only continent not covered by ice, Masurao, a young humanoid Harmonyen inquires the strange secret hidden beneath the castle of his late uncle.

Segreti: 3 :secret:

Bonus: Recuperando i 3 segreti si avrà accesso al livello bonus "The Forgotten Treasure".

Installazione: il livello non necessita di TRLE/TRLM, decomprimere il file .zip, e lanciare l'applicazione Masurao.

Download: 112,40 Mb scaricabile da qui

curioso il nuovo protagonista ;)
view post Posted on 2/7/2012, 18:44



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1 replies since 2/7/2012, 11:40   97 views